Tuesday, March 12, 2013

#887 Oklahoma here we come!

T and I are super-excited about our trip to Oklahoma City tomorrow!

We are meeting the Jazz representative at the airport in the morning, then we'll fly with x number of other Jazz fans (maybe a dozen?) to OKC. We'll go to the hotel, the Skirvin Hilton, then we'll have a couple of hours to chill out before we meet the group for dinner and the game.Yahoo!!

When I was looking online about the hotel, and there's some talk that the place is haunted. I like to watch shows about ghosts and the paranormal on TV, but I'm not sure I'm ready to have my own poltergeist experience.

I'm planning to take my Chromebook with me, so we'll check in from OKC tomorrow.

Right now, though, I am battling a massive headache caused by a pain in/behind my left eye. I took out my contacts, but my eye is being extra-sensitive to the light. It's buggin' me, so I've got to go now.

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