Sunday, September 1, 2013

#1000 hanging out with the nuclear family

1000 posts! Cool :)

I'm spending the weekend with my "first" family in Southern California. I flew to San Diego on Friday afternoon. My sister was there to meet me and we headed over to Ocean Beach for a late lunch/early dinner. We ate at a place called Shades. We sat out on the patio and there was a nice view of the ocean and a lovely little breeze.  The food was really good, too. I enjoyed drinking a beer and relaxing with my little sister.

After the meal we headed north to Mom and Dad's house. I haven't seen my parents since February, so I was glad to be there. It's fun when the four of us get together. It just feels good.

On Saturday Lizzie & I took Dad to dialysis, then we went to lunch with Mom. We went to one of my favorite restaurants around here, El Cholo. The specialty there is fillet mignon tacos. Those tacos might be some of the most delicious tacos I have ever had. Such a treat! The rest of the day was just spend relaxing: reading, napping, chatting. Very peaceful.

Today we've watched some tennis and lounged around. For lunch Mom grilled up some steaks and Dad made his amazing garlic mayo. I am so going to try to make the garlic mayo when I get home. I think I can do it. I'm totally going to try! It's fantastic :)

It's pretty warm here. I was hoping to get a little break from the heat. It's not as hot, temperature-wise, as it is in Utah, but it's close. Plus there's a lot more humidity here than in SLC, so it's kind of sticky. Today is pretty nice. There's a breeze coming from the ocean and it feels pretty good.

Tomorrow Lizzie and I will head back to San Diego. She and Jeff are going to have a BBQ at their house tomorrow night, so that will be fun. On Tuesday our plan is to do something in San Diego during the day; we have several ideas, but nothing has been decided. We do know what we are doing on Tuesday night, though: going to a baseball game! So excited!!

This little mini-vacation is just what I needed, and it's not even done yet!

1 comment:

Kteach said...

It's always great to have you both here. We really enjoyed your visit :)
Enjoy the rest of your mini vacation!