I cannot even tell you what last Saturday's meeting topic was. I've been thinking about it, and I may have even looked for the mini-magazine we get each week, but I couldn't find the magazine and for the life of me I don't remember the topic.
What I do remember is that the meeting basically consisted of two members talking the whole time. They weren't talking to each other; they were dominating the conversation (whatever it was about). I have often found this to be the case in the 8 AM meeting: there are only three or four people who speak up and they have a lot to say, so if someone else wants to say something, it can be challenging to get a word in. When our regular leader, Lana, is there, she does a good job of trying to get more people involved, but Lana has been on vacation and the guest leader we had sort of let the meeting get away from her.
OH! I remember the topic! It was about setting meal times. I just remembered this because one of the talkers, Ken, fake-laughed out loud when the guest leader introduced the topic. Like in a very phony way, to get attention, Ken threw back his head, slapped his knee and loudly said, "Ha ha ha" which the guest leader fell for hook, line and sinker. Ken reminded us all that he is not working and he thought he could for sure have regular meal times but it hasn't happened so far and he's still doing okay.
What I have found is that I don't necessarily have a certain time that I need to eat. I mean, my tummy tells me when it's time to eat and it is usually around the same time every day, especially during the week because my week days are much more structured than weekends. For me, it's much more about what I will eat than when I will eat it.
With that said, it is now time for me to plan what I will eat tomorrow and put it in my tracker. It's handy to do it the night before because I'm usually in a hurry in the morning and I don't do a very good job of figuring out what to have when I'm rushed. I've been doing pretty well this week about staying within my points and not eating out too much, at least during the week. Like I said, weekends can be more challenging. I figure if I can do pretty well five out of seven days and not muck it up too badly on the other two days, I'll be fine.
Hope y'all are having a great week. I'll be back tomorrow (odd month, odd days).
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