Tuesday, November 27, 2018

#2137 travel Tuesday

Exciting news! We made the final payment on the Thailand vacation! I love that the trip is all booked and paid for. Now we just have to figure how much we plan to spend while we are there. Do we take more cash and pay for a few things with a credit card or do we take less cash and use the credit card more? A friend of mine who went there last year said he did the latter option and it worked very well.

A cool thing is that most of our excursions were part of the package that we paid for, so we won't have to worry about paying for extra tours because we are pretty booked up. If we add another little tour, we'll probably have Candice book it for us before we go. She arranges for the tour guides and transportation and all that stuff. It's probably a bit more money doing it that way, but I feel confident that she is looking out for our best interests and making sure we are safe and get good value. Plus the hassle-factor is very low for me.

A trip that is coming up much sooner is the long weekend to Savannah with Mom and Lizzie. My sister and I have been planning a loose itinerary for the trip. Hopefully we will have nice weather while we are there. It's going to be pretty great no matter what the weather is like, I think, but I would prefer sunshine to rain.

1 comment:

Lizzie said...

I was looking at my Google photos last night and had a warm fuzzy of all the great places we've been in the last couple years. Here's to more in the future!