Sunday, June 18, 2023

#2851 weekend wrap-up

I planned to write a different post today, but now it's already 11 pm and I know the post I wanted to write, about Paris, would take much longer than I'm willing to commit on a Sunday night, so I'll just wrap up the weekend and show you a few photos. 

The past seven days were busy. I volunteered at three concerts in four days, recorded blooms on Friday, and did my regular docent shift this morning. Here's a little photo I took this morning at the Garden. 

The weather was so great today. It was overcast, so the temperature was mild. I actually wore a sweatshirt through my whole shift. Do you like my little bucket hat? I have a funny story about it from Paris that I'll share soon.

Yesterday I stayed home and took it easy. I did a few things around the house, but I was definitely in slow motion. One of the things I did was watched the creativity workshop that Jill the Artist held on Thursday. I was in the office, so I couldn't participate in the real-time workshop, so I'm thankful she records them. One of the main themes of the workshop was doors and cats. I sketched and colored in this wee creation:

When I say it's wee, I mean it is a tiny little sketch, probably less than two inches tall. I don't know why, but everything I drew yesterday was small.

On the 15th, though, in response to a prompt from the creativity group, I drew this:

It's a troll doll! The prompt was to draw a retro toy, and an example she gave was a troll doll. I pulled up a photo of the doll on the internet and and drew it using the partial blind technique. That means I mostly looked at the photo and only looked down at the page a couple of times to make sure I wasn't too far off track. I painted it using my watercolor brush pens. I like how vibrant the colors are with those pens. 

Today is Father's Day. T went to Lagoon with his girlfriend and her family, so MT and I went out for a late lunch. When we got home, we looked at our abundance of roses.

I think they are super pretty. There are a jillion little roses!

We have a space in our front yard that has an aspen tree, and over the past couple of years, we've noticed that another tree has voluntarily sprung up. It's gotten pretty big and bushy.

When MT was mowing the lawn yesterday, he noticed there were berries on the tree. 

Using my beloved iPhone, I took a photo of the berries and scrolled up after I tapped the photo to see if Apple could identify the plant. It could, and it told us it was a mulberry tree!

Random story about mulberry trees. I met a woman on the creativity retreat in Chania, Crete. She told me that her ancestors were responsible for planting mulberry trees in Salt Lake City. I told her that I don't know about any mulberry trees in the city or in the Garden. I've been looking for them ever since. Little did I know that I just had to look in my own front yard! 

What am I looking forward to next week?  I don't have a lot planned, so it looks pretty quiet, fortunately. I have a follow up appointment with my doctor on Wednesday. I'll record blooms on Thursday. Next weekend I'll be cleaning the house in anticipation of Lizzie's upcoming visit. Another thing I will do next week is send in the forms to renew our passports. We are thinking about possibly going somewhere in November to celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary! More to come on that, I'm sure. 

Have a wonderful week!


Happy Father's Day, Dad. I miss you.

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