Sunday, January 21, 2024

#2878 weekend wrap-up

Hello from Elko, Nevada. MT and I are spending the night here. We left Dixon this morning around 11:00, and this is where we decided to stop. I was a little worried about the weather, but the only weather we had was some rain over Donner Summit in the Sierra Nevada mountains. There was a lot more snow in the mountains than when we came through on Friday afternoon, which makes sense, because it rained pretty hard on Saturday in Dixon.

This was our first time at the house in Dixon without any elders or any dogs. The house has been empty for about six weeks, and I wanted to go check on it to make sure it was still secure, for one thing. I also wanted to meet with a realtor and with an estate sale company, just to get some idea of the worth of the property and to find out how an estate sale would work.

The realtor we met with was a nice man, and he was well prepared with some information. I wasn’t surprised or put off by what he told us; it was pretty much what I figured. The estate sale people, though, that was a gut punch. They told us straight up that they didn’t see any value in any of the things in the house. I thought there might be some value in some of the furnishings. There are some nice old dressers, desks, and tables, but apparently the style and age are no longer appealing to buyers. They refused to take us on as clients. They were helpful with suggestions on how to stage a sale ourselves though. I think that will be what we do. I didn’t expect to make a bunch of money off the contents of the house, and I really hate the thought of running a yard sale, but here we are. We have to get the house cleaned out and cleaned up before we put it on the market.

My sister came up to Dixon for the weekend, too, and I was glad she was there. Between the three of us, we came up with a plan to get the house on the market by May. There will be a few more trips to Dixon in the next few months. 

This was my sixth trip to Dixon in seven months. The only month I didn’t go was in September. This was MT’s fourth trip, and Lizzie’s third trip. There is a lot to do. I’m deeply thankful for both MT and Lizzie’s help.

With MT: July, August, November, January

With Lizzie: October, December, January

I’ve been able to see three seasons in Northern California in those six visits. Summer was freaking hot, but autumn and winter were nice. It was gray, cloudy, and wet this weekend, and I thought it was wonderful. The area around the house has many orchards, which I really love. I had MT pull over so I could take a few pics of the orchards in winter:

I also thought driving through the clouds in the Sierras was beautiful. 

Elko is a little over three hours away from our house, so we expect to be home by around 1:00 or so tomorrow afternoon. It will be nice to get there in time to have a little rest, maybe do some laundry, and prepare for the week. 

This week’s art comes courtesy of Jill Badonsky’s prompt to try some art in the pointillist style. It was way more fun that I expected it to be, and I tried a few different pieces. This is part of a bigger piece that I cropped then enlarged. I used the Snapseed app to put on a couple of filters and a frame, and I think it looks kinda cool:


Have a great week!

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