Thursday, May 9, 2024

#2895 I like sleep

I didn't write yesterday, Wednesday, and here's why: I was asleep. On Tuesday night, I went to bed with a bit of a stuffy nose and a tight throat. I took one Nyquil, and slept soundly. On Wednesday morning, I had a hard time waking up. Thankfully I was working at home, so I didn't have much of a commute. I was able to stay in bed a little longer than usual. 

I logged on for work at 7:00, as usual, and was hit with big yawns and heavy eyelids around 11:00. I took a nap at lunchtime. When I finished work, I decided to take a nap. It was four hours long. I woke up long enough to take out my contacts and brush my teeth, then I was back in bed 30 minutes later by 9:30. I wondered if I would have a hard time falling to sleep, or staying asleep. Nope. I slept like a rock until 5:00. 

Sometimes my body just sort of shuts down like that, and I listen when it tells me to rest. I'd done something to my left hand overnight on Tuesday, because when I woke up on Wednesday, it was very sore. I took some Tylenol, and tried to massage the particularly achy spot, but it hurt all day. Today it was fine again. Maybe the sleep was to repair whatever strain or sprain I'd done to my hand?

So, that's pretty much the excitement of my week. LOL Well, that's not entirely true.

On Monday I attended a concert volunteer orientation at Red Butte. We watch an active shooter video presented by campus police so we can learn what to do if there is an incident at the concerts (run, hide, fight are the options.) It's sad that we need to learn things like that. We haven't had any incidents that I know of at the Garden, but it's good to be aware and have a plan. After the orientation, my friend Liz and I went to a pub to have a beer, a snack, and a chat. I enjoyed spending a bit of time with her. 

Tuesday was fine. Wednesday, you know about, and today was fine, too. I'm looking forward to the weekend, not because I have any plans; I just always look forward to the weekend. 

I am planning my next trip. Can you guess where I'm going? 

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