Sunday, June 30, 2024

#2905 low energy day and art show

Yesterday, Saturday, I had what can only be described as a low energy day. I was up early to feed the dogs, but I was not ready to be awake, so we all went back to bed when they were done with their morning activities for some hurkle durkle time. I looked at my phone for a little while before I fell back to sleep. Fortunately, MT woke me up when he left around 10. I say fortunately because I wanted to participate in a Zoom call with Jill the Artist at 11:00. It was quite fun. There were about 10 of us on the call, and the theme was "summer." We recalled summer memories, favorite summer foods, etc. and doodled what we heard. I liked hearing the stories and drawing stuff. Even as I look at my scribbles now, I am smiling.

After the call, I took a nap.

MT came home and brought some burgers from 5 Guys. It was good; I was really hungry.

After I ate, I took a nap.

Low energy day.

In the evening, I sat out on the deck, drank a cold beer, and read. Stella insisted on some frisbee tosses, so I did that, too, and scattered kibbles for the big dogs to sniff for. I enjoyed that hour or so. 

At night I did art. I made my wee calendar for July, and I also made the zine for July. 

stylized fireworks

Dog Days zine!

I started on the bottom with the dogs, and they are all pretty small, getting progressively bigger as you go to the top because I was getting tired of drawing dogs LOL. I kinda wish I'd done it a little differently, but mostly I really like it. 

So yeah, resting my mind and body on Saturday was just what I needed. I didn't leave the house at all that day, and it suited me just fine, thank you very much. I felt fine, physically, like I don't have a cold or anything like that, but I was just straight up tired.


Here are some of my little art projects from June. I don't think I've shown these here, but if I have, thanks for having another look. 

First up, a couple of thank you cards I made for two co-workers who gave me gifts for my birthday:

thanks for the Dutch Bros gift card!

thanks for the beautiful paints!

These next offerings are all Jill Badonsky prompts:

Jill provided a bunch of words and our assignment was to combine a couple and come up with something.  I had some scrapbook paper that I cut freehand stars from, and put them in a vase, filling in some spaces with glitter pen stars that I drew. 

Vase of Stars

The prompt was alphabet soup, so I created my own brand and used an existing brand as my inspiration. I used Snapseed to give the painting a mood and a frame.

Sandy's Alphabet Soup

The prompt was giraffes. I painted the background colors first, then drew the three giraffes and added the spots. The giraffe on the left is my favorite.


Jill showed us a cartoon-type pic and encouraged us to use the shape of the face, then fill it in with exaggeration.. Similar to the giraffe painting, I painted the background colors first, then added my features. I used Snapseed to get the frame. 
Self portrait

The prompt was furniture, fruit, and ocean. 

Wish I Was Here

Can you believe 2024 is officially half-way done?  I think these next few months are going to fly by, too. 

Until next time...
