Sunday, September 1, 2024

#2913 three things: oh deer, triple shot, back-to-back musical nights

 Happy Sunday and happy September! The 'ber months are here, and I'm ready for them. I don't usually write a three things post on Sunday, but these three things summarize the week that was, so here we go.

1. Oh deer. MT was driving home from Pocatello on Monday night and a deer jumped out and ran into the truck. The deer was not found by the highway patrol, but we can only assume it did not survive the impact. The passenger side headlight was completely removed from the truck, and the whole passenger side is dented and scraped and the doors cannot be opened. MT is fine, although he was mightily shaken up by the event. He is sad for the deer and sad about his beautiful beloved truck. It is drivable, so he made it home safely, even though he was a cyclops (one headlight.) Insurance will pay the $7,500 repair bill, and our portion of that payment is...$100. Whew! Apparently being hit by a deer is covered by comprehensive insurance, so we just have to pay the deductible. Here are a couple of pics of the damage:

2. Triple shot. I've been thinking about getting a new coffee maker for a few weeks. I figured I'd do it when I returned from Italy, but my subconscious had other ideas, and when I was washing my coffee pot on Monday, I accidentally cracked the pot on my sink, rendering it unusable. My coffee maker is duo, meaning I can brew a pot of coffee and it has  Keurig, too, so I was not completely out of coffee-making options. I could have waited and just used the Keurig, but that's not my style, so I went over to Target with a gift card I'd received and purchased a moka pot.

This is the 3-cup size, and it is small and cute. It's also heavy duty. I can't crack this one because it is made of steel. Did you know that a coffee in Italy is espresso? American-style coffee is a drip situation, way more water than coffee. What I'm trying to say is that the 1 cup in the moka pot refers to 1.5 oz of espresso, which is a shot of espresso. Three cups from the moka pot is a triple shot of espresso. 

I didn't actually put all of that information together when I made a pot of coffee on Wednesday morning with my shiny new moka pot. I was delighted by the bubbling up of the coffee and lovely aroma that floated through my kitchen. I poured the whole three cups into my big American mug, and it only filled the mug about halfway. I added milk and sugar and took the coffee outside to the deck. It's a simple pleasure. I took a sip and said out loud, "Whoa you taste good!" I took another sip and my eyes popped open and I felt alive and alert. I slurped down the rest of the coffee and felt great all morning. I didn't even miss having a second cup, which I usually do when I make a big pot of coffee. 

When I am in Italy, I will be looking for a small, espresso sized cup to bring home as a souvenir and from which I will enjoy my espresso. And I might not have the whole three shots at the same time again. However, I'll be using the moka pot again tomorrow, so we'll see.

3. Back-to-back musical nights. I volunteered to work at two concerts last week, one on Tuesday, and the other on Wednesday. I try to manage my schedule so I don't have back to back shows because too many late nights aren't good for me, but I didn't realize the date of the second show when I offered to work that night, plus I really wanted to see the artist.

Tuesday night I saw the band Pink Martini.  I didn't know anything about them, but I like their name. It turns out, I really like their music, too. They are more like an orchestra than a band, and the singer, China Forbes, has a gorgeous voice. It's like cocktail party music. Plus, the songs are performed in a variety of languages. On Tuesday, there were songs in English, French, Turkish, Portuguese, Spanish, Italia, Korean, and Japanese. I really loved it. At the end of the night, they encouraged the audience to form a conga line, and they did, and it was a spectacle. I had a good time, even though I did not join the conga line.

On Wednesday night, I heard Lukas Nelson. I say I heard him because I didn't actually see him. I was working the west side recycling station, and the view of the stage is non-existent. I did take a few minutes to try to get a look at the stage, but everyone was standing up, so I couldn't really get a good look, although I can say that I did see him on stage for a minute. Yes, he is Willie Nelson's son, and yes, he does sound a lot like his father. He also has a much bigger vocal range than Willie, including a spine-tingling falsetto. He was really good and I enjoyed the music very much. 

Have a great week!


1 comment:

Kteach said...

Poor deer! glad Marty was OK.