Sunday, October 6, 2024

#2915 leaf-peeping 2024 and art show

Happy Sunday! I'm listening to the Padres/Dodgers game as I write this post. How's that for multi-tasking? Go Padres!

MT and I went on our annual leaf-peeping tour in the Wasatch mountains this afternoon. We decided to do the alpine loop that starts in American Fork Canyon and winds past Mt Timpanogos and the Sundance Resort over to Provo Canyon. There are a lot of quaking aspen trees on the loop, so mostly we saw gold leaves and it was magical.

The bad thing about the alpine loop road is that it is quite narrow, and most of us have oversize vehicles. We were in MT's truck, which is big, and we found ourselves with the passenger side tires off the road many times. There were inches between our truck and oncoming cars and trucks. The drive was beautiful, but we agreed that if we wanted to do it again in the future, we'd bring my car. There were also about a jillion other cars on the road and pulled out onto tiny little wide spots to take photos. It was not a relaxing drive.

We had lunch in Park City at The Spur. We got a nice table out on the deck. I had a burger and a beer, and it was satisfying. I think there's something about sitting outside for a meal that just makes food extra delicious, if the conditions are right, that is. On our way back to the car, MT got some ice cream and I got a chai tea latte. There were a lot of people wandering through Park City this afternoon. It was a gorgeous fall day! We went over Guardsman Pass and down through Big Cottonwood Canyon on our way home. There was more orange on that road, but I didn't take any photos because we were moving along pretty quick. We'd been out for a long time!

Next year, I think we will peep on the Nebo Loop. 


It's been awhile since I posted some of my art, so let's do it now, okay?

This little highland cow was a birthday card for one of my coworkers. The hair isn't quite right, but I still like it.

highland cow for Sally

This flower is from one of Jill's prompts (#1490) in which she presented us with two lists of words and the instructions to pick a word from each list and make something happen.

Surrealistic Sunflower

I love making little calendars and zines every month!

September wee calendar

September zine
A quick note about this zine: I printed some words from a post on this very blog, put a cute font on it, and cut it to fit the zine, then dew the flowers on it. It was fun and different.

I drew and painted this little doggo for one of my coworkers. She has a dog called Baxter who kind of looks like this. 

little pupper for Tupp

Another of Jill's prompts (#1497) - paint something to honor the Fall Equinox.  It's meant to be a pumpkin, but it isn't very well executed. I still like it, though. I enjoy doing kind of a stained glass type painting. 

cubist pumpkin

This little birdie is a response to Jill's 1500th prompt, an artistic celebration. 

chonky bird with balloon

And finally, the October wee calendar to celebrate my upcoming trip to Italy. 

October zine

Have a great week!

PS...If you are still here, I just updated my 2024 reading page. I've read or listened to 39 books so far this year.

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