Sunday, March 10, 2013

#885 busy Sunday, but in a relaxed way

Last night, or early this morning, most of us here in the US experienced "spring forward" where we set our clocks forward one hour. We do this so we have more hours of daylight, or something like that. Basically it means that today we only had 23 hours. It's a weird thing and I'm not a big fan of it, but whatever.

Today has been pretty mellow for me. I did the laundry in my sparkly washer, and it did give me great pleasure and joy whenever I opened the lid. :o) Most of my day was spent here at my computer. I used this quiet Sunday to get all of our rental expenses in order so it would be easier to do our taxes. We've had the rentals for several years, but this year, finally, I think I have worked out a good way to keep track of the expenses. It's a process.

Another thing I did today was catch up on my favorite TV shows On Demand. I watched a couple of episodes of "Once Upon a Time" so I could watch tonight's new episode when it aired and be current. I also caught up on "Survivor" and for good measure watched a couple of episodes of "Duck Dynasty." I love those rednecks! They make me laugh!

Osi and I went for a little walk today. It was nice to get outside. The sun was shining, but it felt chilly. Osi hasn't been feeling very well since I started giving her the anti-seizure medicine. Sometimes she can't control her bladder and she has urinated on the furniture, including my bed. I have to keep her off the furniture now, just like when she was a puppy. She also has to sleep in the basement. I bought her a a nice big doggie bed with a waterproof lining. I also put her favorite blanket on the her bed. It sucks to have to put her down there, but I don't want to kennel her and I can't let her sleep with me. She's a dog and she's adapting. I'm adapting, too.

The other night, T asked me to make him some caramel brownies. I told him I would and so I found a recipe and made them today. OH MY GOD!! They are so amazingly good. I found it on Pinterest, of course, and the link took me to one of my favorite websites - The Pioneer Woman. Everything I have made from the recipes on this website  has been delicious. These brownies have a great name: Knock You Naked Brownies. I personally did not get naked, but I'm alone in the house right now, so it would have been a little weird anyway. I hope that when everyone gets in later tonight, they will indulge in these fabulous brownies because it will be dangerous to have them around. I am very, very proud of my ability to just have one small brownie. Of course, they are super rich. I didn't even want to figure out the Points Plus value for these bad boys. It was truly an indulgence.

Well, the house is clean, the laundry is done, the bills are paid and I think I'm ready for another week. Hope you all had a great weekend!

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