Sunday, April 28, 2013

#914 the All Good-Looking team

This weekend was nice and fun, mostly because I got to spend a couple of days with my BFF LA. She was in town  because her daughter-in-law graduated from BYU on Friday. LA came to my house on Thursday evening, went to the graduation on Friday afternoon, then spent Friday night here also. It was a real treat to be able to hang out with her and visit and listen to her stories and have a new audience for my stories.

I've known LA for over 25 years. Damn! That's a long time!! Even though we don't live in the same town and don't get to see each other nearly enough, you know it's a real, true friendship when you can just start chatting about anything and feel like we were just talking yesterday.

On Saturday night we were watching the NBA playoffs (she loves sports, too!) and we thought it would be fun to put together an all Good-Looking team. We each got to pick five players, one at each position. T was there, documenting the whole thing. It was good fun.

 Here's my team:

Point guard - Russel Westbrook, Oklahoma City Thunder
Shooting guard - Dwyane Wade, Miami Heat     
Small forward - Kevin Durant, Oklahoma City Thunder
Power forward - Blake Griffin, Los Angeles Clippers

Center - Marc Gasol, Memphis Grizzlies

Here's LA's team:

Point guard - Kobe Bryant, LA Lakers
Shooting guard - Thabo Sefolosha, OKC Thunder
Small forward - Kenneth Faried, Denver Nuggets
Power forward - Lebron James, Miami Heat
Center - Dwight Howard, LA Lakers
OK, I'll admit it - I purposefully found photos of her team that I thought made them look unattractive. I actually think Dwight and Kenneth  are pretty good-looking, and I like Kobe's smile when it looks like he's being genuine. I saw Kobe on the Ellen show one day, and I kind of liked him, but then I was angry with him for being charming and lowering my defenses. Lebron and Thabo are attractive as well, but I think my team is better.

T set up our teams on his NBA2K13 game and they played against each other, street-style, first team to 21. My team won the first game, and her team won the second game. I don't know if he has played a tie-breaker game yet. :)

Speaking of basketball, it's time to go watch the end of the Warriors/Nuggets game. That's been a good series. I <3 br="" ish="" jazz="" playoffs.="" the="" there="" though="" were="">