Friday, May 31, 2013

#946 May recap

May was fun, wasn't it? It was fun to come up with something to write about every day; it's a good challenge every other month.

I wrote three posts this month about movies I watched and those three posts were among the top five most viewed here:

#919 Ironman 3 had 87 page views. I wrote that post on 5/4, Crazy! That's a lot of views. People love Ironman!

#754 Robert Downey Jr posted on 9/13/12 had 20 views this month. I guess you all like him a lot too.

#926 The Great Gatsby, posted 5/11, had 15 views.

#918 the long week... posted 5/3 had 13 views.

#933 Star Trek Into Darkness was posted on 5/18 and had 11 views.

The 2013 Reading List also had 12 views this month. I like that page :)

I saw another movie this month, Fast and Furious 6. I couldn't write anything about it because I slept through most of it. It was not for me. I'm pretty sure I could say things about it, but none of it would be good, so I'll go with the old saying, "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all."

It always amazes me that people actually look at this blog. There were 1,193 page views from 5/2 to 5/31. Here's the top 10 nations that checked in:

USA 671
Russia 94
Germany 64
Sweden 23
Poland 22
Indonesia 21
United Kingdom 19
South Korea 19
Bosnia & Herzegovina 18
Phillipines 18

Thanks everyone. You make me smile!

The thought frequently crosses my mind to just stop writing here, but to tell you the truth, it's fun for me. I love words and I like the act of putting thoughts together and telling stories. I work with numbers in my job, so I don't really have the opportunity to be creative there. Writing stuff here gives me a little outlet  and a chance to stay connected with my family that lives far from me.

So...June. What's coming up? Taylor Swift concert, minor league baseball, last day of school + last day at MJHS, and my birthday. And that's just in the first week! Mostly I think June will be full of work and hopefully some good miles on my bike. I'll probably go out and swing a golf club for the first time since before my surgery. I want to plan a visit out to California to see the folks and I'll continue to dream about the possibility of going somewhere tropical late in the year. I'm pretty sure I'll find some other things to occupy my time as well.

Hope you have some good stuff planned! Talk to you in a couple of days ;)

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