Wednesday, May 1, 2013

#916 hooray for May!

Hey everyone! Happy May! Since it is an odd-number month, I will attempt to write a little something every day.

I realized that in March I did not share the calendar pic. I didn't do it for April, either. Since I don't have much to talk about today, let's look at the April calendar photo:

I took this photo of MT and T skipping rocks on a lake in Guatemala. We were on our way to Tikal, and it felt like we'd been in the car a long, long time. The road we were on was sometimes paved, but often gravel and it was kind of a rough ride. Our driver told us that he was going to show us something different and let us stretch our legs. Of course, I didn't catch all of the words at the time and was a little apprehensive when he turned off the main road onto a narrow, empty stretch of jungle road. It was cool, though, because we ended up at this gorgeous lake. We got out of the cab and walked to the edge where MT and T decided it would be a good idea to work on their stone-skipping techniques. You can see that MT is demonstrating the proper rock-holding form while T is watching intently. I was roaming around, snapping photos and glanced over just in time to watch them and capture this moment.

Man, that was a great day, start to finish.

In other news, I got my hair trimmed today.

No, I didn't get it highlighted or colored. It's just kind of brassy. It does look soft and fluffy and kinda silky. It won't look like that tomorrow after I have a go at styling it. I have very little skill in that department. It sounds funny to say this since I had a trim today, but I'm letting my hair grow out. The ends were not split, but they were dry and it feels good to chop them off. Not too much, but just enough to look better. My next appointment is in mid-July. Hopefully the hair will be at least chin-length by then. My hair doesn't grow very fast, I don't think.

It's time for bed. I didn't sleep nearly enough last night and I'm wiped out today. Good night!


Kteach said...

Very cute :)

emtes said...

I like your hairdo. You look very nice and cute :-)