Thursday, June 6, 2013

#949 best.birthday.surprise.EVER!

Yesterday it was my birthday
I hung one more year on the line...

It's true, yesterday really was my birthday. I was determined to have a great day because, you know, you choose how you face the day, for the most part, and I chose joy. I got a lot of nice greetings on Facebook which is cool because that's how we communicate today and I like it. I had a couple of great texts from some dear friends. The people at work were awesome and I felt really good all day.

Around 5:45 yesterday, I was finishing up at work and my mom called. I really wanted to get home, so I told her I'd call her back. A few minutes later, MT called to find out when I was coming home. He said that my sister had called him the night before to find out what time I usually got home, so he thought she was going to have something like a singing telegram delivered to the house. He told me I should hurry. I finished up my work and drove home wondering what was going to be delivered. Would I like a singing telegram? What if it was a stripper telegram? I think I'd be embarrassed. Is there even such a thing?

I get home around 6:30 and I stroll into my house yelling, "I'm home boys!" No answer. At least my dog is glad to see me. I yell again, "Hello! I'm here!" Still nothing. I'm starting to think sort of negative thoughts when I walk into my dining room and sitting at my table is my adorable little sister! I shrieked, then I grabbed her and then I started to cry. I couldn't stop crying and I didn't want to let her go. Truly, it was the most surprised I have ever been. To be honest, I did think on my drive home that it might be her, but I quickly dismissed the thought. She has so much going on in her life, why would she come here? But there she was and I was excited beyond belief. I was actually jittery and smiley all night. :)

The bummer part was that because she is so busy in her life, she was only going to stay for the day - her flight back to San Diego was tonight. I wanted to take the day off of work, but I had a couple of things that HAD to be done, so Lizzie came to work with me this morning. She used my Chromebook and did some of her work and I did my work and we were able to leave my office just after noon. The people at my work were really supportive of my efforts to get out of the office. They are all cool that way. Thanks guys!

This afternoon, Lizzie, T and I went out to lunch at a "typical" Utah restaurant, Kneaders, then we went to see the movie Now You See Me. It was merely all right for me, but I do like Jesse Eisenberg quite a bit. He has a way of speaking, enunciating, that I really like. After the big sandwich I had at Kneaders, I was really full and I dozed off a couple of times during the show. Like I said, merely all right. Wait for the video.

While we were in the movie, Lizzie got a text from the airline saying that her flight was delayed. Then another text, saying it was delayed longer. Pretty soon it got delayed so long that she would not be able to make her connecting flight in Las Vegas. She called the airline and got a seat on the first flight out in the morning, so we got to hang out this evening, too! It's kind of a bummer for her, but it was good for me.

What a fantastic surprise! It really was probably one of my favorite birthdays because it was just so amazing that she would take the time to come over and surprise me like that. I still can't believe it. How cool is she?!

Thanks Lizzie! You're the best <3 p="">


Kteach said...

Was hard to keep my mouth shut lol. I'm so happy y'all had a great time :)

Anonymous said...

It was truly my pleasure :)