Friday, December 12, 2014

#1324 do you want to build a snowman?

It's a quiet night here at our house. Of course most nights are quiet here, but tonight seems especially so.

T is out with his friends.

MT is downstairs. He was watching a movie, but I think he's on an HGTV binge now. He's also reading.

I was up in the bedroom watching the Jazz game and reading or playing Angry Birds. Angry Birds! I thought I was over it, but I was having some fun with it.

The Jazz lost. My patience with Angry Birds was at a breaking point. The book I'm reading isn't thrilling me like I wanted it to. Then I realized it was an "even" day so it was time to write. That' when I knew I didn't have much to say tonight of any interest.

Maybe you will find it interesting that here in SLC we have had unseasonably warm weather this month. We haven't had any snow and the temperatures have been in the upper 50s. Today it was 60 degrees! (That's 15.5 C). California is getting a lot of rain from "The Pineapple Express" - a storm that originated in Hawaii - and I wonder if that storm will make its way east and drop some snow on us. I always hope for rain in the valley and snow in the mountains. It seems strange though, because it doesn't seem very Christmas-y here. I can't even listen to Michael Buble! It just doesn't seem right to be singing along with Christmas songs.

Today I was trying to get into a festive spirit by singing Do You Want to Build a Snowman? from Frozen. Unfortunately, the only words I know of that song are "Do you want to build a snowman?" so I sang it over and over until I finally broke down and just purchased the song from iTunes after which I listened to it about seven times. I still don't know all the words but I bet I will soon. I was thinking of watching Frozen tonight until MT claimed the TV with the DVD player for his own tonight. Maybe tomorrow.

Do you want to have the snowman song in your head? Watch the video!

Have a wonderful weekend and I'll check in with you on Sunday!

1 comment:

Kteach said...