Wednesday, January 7, 2015

#1340 sleep experiment report plus a little joy

The first night of the sleep experiment did not go well. I drank the milk, got in bed, read on my Nook for about seven minutes, shut it off and turned on the relaxing noise app. I got comfortable and felt relaxed, but then I got caught up in the sound or something. Maybe I had it on for too long. I'd set the timer for 15 minutes but it seemed to last forever which made me anxious and I thought about checking to see how much longer. Kinda defeats the purpose!

It finally stopped and I fell asleep only to be awakened about an hour or so later because MT was talking on the phone. Then he got up and got dressed. What the...? He explained that he was on call at work and there was a problem with a sprinkler system and the home had water leaking into it. That all went down around 11:15. I went right back to sleep and woke up when I heard the front door open. Thankfully it was MT. (Did he lock the door when he left? Yikes!) The time was now 2AM.

Happily, I went right back to sleep, but the alarm went off way too soon. I wasn't too tired today, but I definitely felt like I'd been up a couple of times.

I'll try again tonight. I think I'll try to white noise again, but only for about seven minutes. I think that will be the right amount of time.


One more quick thing. I work for a construction company in the office. I am admin support for a small group of guys: two engineers and two sales guys. I really like the guys and try to do everything I can to help them with whatever admin stuff I can. Today was one of the sales guy's birthday and I felt really happy when they invited me to join them for the birthday lunch. Sometimes it's the little things that mean the most :)

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