Tuesday, April 3, 2012

#670 a new look for MT

My husband and I have been together for 25 years and there's not much that we don't know about each other. Well, there is one thing I don't know about him - what his upper lip looks like. For as long as I've known him, he has always worn a mustache. Sometimes he has a beard, too, but he's always had a mustache.

Until yesterday.

He is going to work on a project that will require him to wear a respirator. The seal on the respirator is better if there is no facial hair, so off came the beard and the mustache.

T ran down to the kitchen yelling "Stranger danger!" and "He looks so weird!"

MT was already sleeping when I came up to bed, so I didn't turn on the light to inspect. I saw him for the first time this morning. He looks even more like his brothers now! Here's some proof:




The pics of Kevin and Kelly are kind of old - they are from 2007. The pic of MT is from today :)

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