Thursday, April 5, 2012

#671 the Tooth Fairy is coming!

T started out his day with a trip to the dentist. His baby teeth refuse to come out on their own, so he had to have some removed today. He lost four teeth today. The actual removal of the teeth took no time at all; they just basically popped out. It took a little time to get him numb, though.

I really wish he would have let me take a picture of him this morning. There he was, my handsome son with a bloody piece of gauze stuck between his slightly swollen lips, drool dribbling down his chin. Don't you hate being numb from the dentist? I shouldn't laugh, but T is usually so cool that it was funny to see him sort of out of it. He was pretty smart. When I left for work, he went back to bed and slept the numbness off. He says he didn't have any pain after the numbness went away.

He has been eating soft foods - pudding, a quesadilla and some ice cream. have the metabolism of a 14 year old boy, huh?

1 comment:

mamacita said...

awww por kid!