Sunday, April 15, 2012

#675 Sunday night already?

Today flew by! So did Saturday, come to think of it. What did we do?

On Saturday I spent a couple of hours at the gym (cycling class, then yoga). I went through my closet and my dresser to get rid of some stuff I don't wear anymore. That felt good. In the afternoon I had a pedicure. It was my first this year and I'm afraid that Millie had some work to do. My feet were callous-y and not very nice. Now they are smooth and lovely and my toenails look like little jewels at the end of my toes.

I actually cooked dinner last night, too. We had salmon and rice. Always a favorite at our house. After dinner, MT and I watched the video "The Help." Great movie, great book. I'm pretty sure that Hilly Holbrooke is one of the best-written villans ever. You just absolutely loathe her.

I got this picture from a blog. The blogger put in "DISLIKE". I thought it was funny!

This morning I got up fairly early, so I took a little time to paint my fingernails and read. It's a good thing I used basically a clear polish because I'm sure it would look awful with color. I think the polish should go on smooth, but I'm not very good at it so it's kinda clumpy and weird. Oh well. There's a little shine there and it makes me feel happy.

I went to yoga, then to the grocery store, then took Osi for a little walk, then paid the bills. In between, I did some laundry. And now look. It's 10 PM. Jeez man! I was really hoping to download some music tonight. I have it in my brain that I MUST HAVE both Black Keys' CDs. Maybe tomorrow.

One more great thing about today - I spoke with my parents. My dad sounded really good and it made me feel so happy! I'm going to visit them this weekend and I'm looking forward to it.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

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