Tuesday, April 17, 2012

#676 maybe it wasn't me, but...

I'm a fan of "Mike and Mike in the Morning" on ESPN radio. I watch it on TV while I'm getting ready for work (the radio show is simulcast on ESPN), and I usually listen to them when I'm driving to work.

Yesterday I was watching on TV and the Mikes were talking about David Locke, the voice of the Utah Jazz. I've never heard them mention David Locke before, and I used to listen to his radio show, Locked on Sports, before he became the Jazz radio announcer. Locke is what we sports fans call a "homer." He LOVES the Jazz. I've heard him say that getting the Jazz announcer job was his dream. Locke knows a lot about basketball and he really gets into the games. I think he has a way to go before he's really good at what he does, but there's no denying his passion. I like a person who really likes his job.

Anyway...the Mikes are talking about a game call that David Locke did on Saturday when the Jazz were playing in Memphis. One of the young Jazz players missed an easy basket and Locke sort of lost his mind. He babbled something completely incoherent - I mean there are no words being said that you can decipher. He kind of sounds like a Muppet. Then he pulls himself together a little and talks about how the ball peeked in the house but didn't go in and how the score could have been tied.

Mike Golic, a former football player, is clearly disgusted by the nonsense that came out of Locke's mouth. Golic says that the radio announcer should paint a picture to let the listener know what is going on. Mike Greenberg, or Greeny, says that you can clearly tell that the ball didn't go the Jazz's way and Greeny loves the entire call.

Since I "like" Locked on Sports on Facebook, I immediately jumped on to comment on the fact that Mike & Mike talked about Locke on their show. It's a big deal! Mike & Mike in the Morning! ESPN radio! It's just not every day that a local person gets mentioned on a national radio show! It's cool!

About an hour later, I'm driving to work and I'm nearly there. I'm listening to Mike & Mike. Once again, they talk about David Locke's call of the Memphis game. But now, joining them on the phone, is David Locke! Yeah for Locke! He's on with Mike & Mike!

The Mikes give Locke a little grief about the nonsensical babble. Locke has no explanation or defense other than he's "not well and cares too much." Locke said that when he got up this morning, the first thing he did was look at his Timeline, because that's what we do nowadays, and he found out he was getting a little ribbing from Mike & Mike. Locke then goes on to do some brown-nosing of the Mikes, and says that they have a huge national show, but for him, Locke, when he calls the Jazz games, he thinks he's pretty much just talking to Cody and Sandy and Suzanne and Jim. "I think it's just the five of us." he said.

Now, maybe it wasn't me specifically that he was referring to, but then again, I did write on his FB page. He did say my name on the radio - on Mike & Mike in the Morning on ESPN radio! I'm going to go ahead and claim that as a shout-out. It really made me day! :)

Here's the link to Locke's page from the Jazz website. If you go down to April 16, you can hear Locke on with Mike & Mike. Toward the end is when you hear my name.

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