Saturday, June 22, 2013

#957 family movie night: World War Z

Sorry I didn't check in on Thursday the 20th. I was watching Game 7 of the NBA Finals, and I couldn't/wouldn't/didn't want to get away from the game to write and when the game was over, it was time for bed. I thought about writing last night, but I went to bed early, so here we are.

It's Saturday night, and you know what that means: FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT!

We saw Brad Pitt's zombie movie, World War Z. T's expectations were low, but MT and I were excited to see it. I wasn't really sure what to expect. I'm not really into zombies. I don't watch The Walking Dead; MT and T tell me that I won't like it, so I don't watch it.But I mostly like Brad Pitt a whole bunch, so I figured I'd give it a try.

I thought the movie was fantastic! The zombies were plenty scary. There were times that I jumped in my seat, threw my hands in the air and even squealed (quietly) at times. MT was jumping too. T laughed at us, but I know he thought the zombies were creepy, especially the ones he referred to as "clickers" because they would click their teeth together in a totally bone-chilling fashion.

Brad Pitt was great. I can't even imagine another actor in the role of Gerry. At first I was a bit put off by his "man-bob" hairstyle, but he pulled it off. It worked for me. I liked his scruffiness, too. No time to shave during the zombie apocalypse, you know. The man is still F.I.N.E. fine!

The special effects were awesome. The scene where the zombies are climbing the wall into Jerusalem was epic. That scene is shown in the previews and I thought it looked cool, but T thought it looked way CGI. It really works in the movie. You know it's just a matter of time before the zombies make it over the wall and then even Jerusalem isn't safe. Zombies are attracted to loud noises, even joyous singing, so remember that during the zombie apocalypse, people.

All three of us liked this movie. T said, "My expectations were here," and held his hand around his waist level. "But the movie surpassed it to like here," and he held his hand around the top of his head. That's pretty good. I liked pretty much everything about this movie. The story was solid, the acting was good, the effects were great, it was scary without being overly scary and it had Brad Pitt.

Bottom line, zombies scare the bejeezus out of me.

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