Tuesday, August 27, 2013

#999 a week in the life

It's been a week since my last post. Sorry I haven't been communicating. Not sure why I didn't, but I'm here now. I'll give you some highlights from the past week:

8/21 T's first day of school. He started at a new school this year - the high school! He's a sophomore at Cyprus High, Home of the Pirates.

8/22 T and I went to Target for school supplies. We had a huge electric storm with thunder and lightning. The thunder was so loud it reverberated through the store.  The sky absolutely lit up with the lightning; big sheets of it that covered the sky and single fingers that stayed in sight for several moments. Not much rain out of the storm, but it was cool to watch. That's why I didn't write that night. I turned off all the electronics because of the storm.

8/23 I only worked half the day and when T got out of school, we drove to Pocatello. We went so that MT could do a little work on his brother's house. It was also our niece Hannah's birthday (she's 20) so we had a little family gathering to celebrate.

8/24 I got to spend the whole day with my BFF LA. It was so great!!!! We started the day with pedicures, then we did a little shopping, had some lunch and went to a movie. T came with us to the movie. We saw "We're the Millers". Holy shit! That was a funny movie. I mean laugh-out-loud, that's-wrong-but-damn-it's-funny kind of stuff. I think LA was a little embarrassed by some of the things that T was seeing, but I was ok with it. It was hilarious. That night, we had another little family dinner. T got to spend the night at his cousin's house, playing video games.

8/25 We got home in the early evening, just in time for T and I to watch "Breaking Bad". I have only seen the last three episodes, but I know enough of the story to know what's going on and T will give me the background details if I need them. What a great show. This last episode was awesome. T and I also watched the MTV Video Music Awards. Yeah, Miley Cyrus was skank-tacular. That's what the VMAs are all about, right? There's always at least one act that has everyone talking. I was just grossed out by Miley's antics and I was sad that she had to be part of one of my favorite songs of the summer, Blurred Lines. I almost can't hear that song without thinking about her and that nasty foam finger. Ewww.

Does anyone else find it ironic that MTV still has Video Music Awards even though they rarely show music videos?

8/26 Back to work for me. T has Late Start Monday at school; normally classes start at 7:30, but on Monday, they start at 8:30. Since MT isn't working, I asked him to take T to school. They stopped at McDonalds for breakfast and T was late. I was pretty pissed off about it when I found out on Monday night. It was pretty quiet at our house last night.

8/27 That's today. The big thing today was my one year follow-up appointment with the knee surgeon. Everything is going great. I still have 125 degree bend in the right (repaired) knee, and my leg is perfectly flat, no space in between the leg and the table, when I have it stretched out. I can't say the same for the left knee. It has been hurting a little more consistently and Dr. F said that he can see that the left knee is degenerating. He told me that the left knee qualifies for the joint replacement, and that it is up to me to figure out when I'm ready. I am really happy with the results of the surgery (a year later) but it's hard to pull the trigger on the second surgery when I still have pretty vivid memories of the discomfort of the first two weeks following the surgery. That was no fun. Still, I know it's coming.

So there you go. It was a big fat week o'fun at our house. I'm really REALLY looking forward to this weekend when I get to go to California to see my family and to watch a little baseball. YAY!

1 comment:

Kteach said...

Looking forward to seeing you! and glad you wrote too! :)