Saturday, June 2, 2018

#2051 May wrap-up

Here's what I know: every month has its good and bad days. Every month has days when I think, "What did I do today?" and every month has days when I think, "Man, I am glad this day is over." Fortunately, May had more good or even mediocre days than days I would rather forget.

Here's a mini-recap:

  • I went to the gym for classes 16 times. That comes out to $2.22/class, so I feel like I definitely got my money's worth this month. 
  • I watched four movies: three at the theater and one at home on DVD. I hadn't seen any of them before. 
  • I read three books this month. It's fewer than I have been reading, but I have been doing more stuff.
  • I was able to get out and hit golf balls a couple of times this month on the range. It felt good.
  • I went out on my bike once in May. I would have gone on at least one more ride, but the weather wasn't cooperating. 
  • I went up to Red Butte Garden 8 times in May. 
  • My least favorite day was probably the 18th because I pretty much could't do anything right that day.
  • My favorite day was probably the 27th because I did something that made me feel happy and useful. 
  • MT celebrated his birthday.
  • T didn't have a great month. 
  • Osi's ear infection finally got cleared up.
Looking forward to fun stuff in June:
  • My birthday!
  • Mom & Lizzie are coming to visit!
  • We are going to see Ryan Adams in concert!
  • Quick get-away to San Francisco for me and MT!
I'm sure there will be other fun things too, but those are four I know for sure. 

Have a safe, serene Sunday. I'll chat at you again on Monday!

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