Sunday, September 2, 2018

#2085 August recap

I have a cool planner that I use to keep track of personal stuff. There is a two-page monthly calendar spread and I like to write in the highlights of each day using colorful markers and stickers and different fonts. Sometimes a day will have only one little thing, like August 14 just had "Zumba". Other days will have lots of little tidbits like August 20 that had "LA MIRADA/Starbucks/SAN DIEGO/lunch at Fairweather/drink at Florent/dinner at Half Door Brewing Co/walk downtown.

Looking back at the calendars always makes me happy, and August's calendar is full of cool stuff. Let's recap!


  • The worst thing that happened was the accident with the Toyota. T and his friend weren't hurt, but the car was a total loss.
  • A bummer thing (but only for me) is that I only went to the gym three times, so I lost money on my monthly investment in myself. I figure I need to go at least eight times to get my money's worth on my monthly payment. There was just so much other stuff going on that I couldn't fit gym time in to the schedule.
  • Six concerts - three that I volunteered for at Red Butte Garden and three that I paid for .
  • I got a tattoo!
  • We had a work event at the Salt Lake Bees baseball game. 
  • MT and I celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary.
  • I went to San Diego and La Mirada to visit my mom and my sister. A good time was had by all.
  • I reached a settlement on the Toyota with the insurance company that I felt was fair.
  • I bought a new-to-me car that I like a lot.
  • T is doing well
  • I watched three movies
  • I finished four books
  • Utah football won their season opener
  • Gave 32.25 hours to Red Butte Garden
  • Lost 1.2 lb
  • My BFF LA is coming to visit for a weekend!
  • I've got three (maybe four or five but three for certain) concerts I get to see!
  • Football season is here!
  • The seasons are changing!
I hope that you all had a wonderful and memorable month of August and that good things are coming your way in September!

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