Sunday, November 4, 2018

#2114 end of year panic

At the start of every year I take time to reflect on the year that was and to look ahead to the year that is. I wouldn't say I set resolutions, but I think about things that would be good to accomplish in the coming 12 months. I typically break those goals down every month to make it all a little more palatable.

At the end of the year, though, is Christmas, and while I look forward to it in theory, I do kind of panic when I think about buying gifts. I worry that I will miss the mark somehow. At my work we do a Secret Santa in which we draw the name of a co-worker then we secretly give them gifts through December. Right before Christmas we have a luncheon and we guess who was giving us gifts. I absolutely love buying gifts for the person I draw. Maybe it's because I don't feel any pressure with these gifts. I buy little things like matching hat and gloves or lip balm. It's just fun little stuff that I think they will enjoy receiving. When it comes time to buy for MT or T (especially) I want to get it just right. The pressure causes the panic and the pressure is (mostly) self-inflicted.

Another thing that causes end of year panic is when I do set a goal for myself, such as a weight-related goal, and I have not achieved it. The goal date is an arbitrary thing, but it feels like a real thing. Will I be any less successful as a person if I don't reach a certain weight by a certain date? Of course not. Again, it's self-inflicted pressure.

However, yesterday after I weighed in at WW, I gave myself a stern pep talk about how I could still achieve my goal of getting below 200 lbs by the end of the year, or at least by the first weekend of February (which might be more realistic.) I don't have far to go to get to the goal, but the eating holidays are upon us and holiday food is good. Plus there's that trip to Savannah in December and there's surely going to be some imbibing of cocktails that happens and we all know alcohol isn't helpful in  weight loss.

So, yeah, I guess I do suffer a bit from end of year panic, but it's not enough that I can't enjoy the holidays and spending time with family. It all just rolls along and it's all going to be okay.

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