Saturday, November 3, 2018

#2113 untoward

Untoward definition from unfavorable or unfortunate

Untoward is the prompt today. I didn't even know what the word meant. It sounds kind of old fashioned. All day I have been thinking about this word and how to use it in a sentence and if I could incorporate it into my vocabulary and use it in a conversation. I'm not sure if I have the skill!

If I used it incorrectly it would be sort of untoward.
People might look at me in an untoward manner if I started using this strange little word frequently. defines untoward as "difficult to guide, manage or work with".

T may be a bit of an untoward employee in MT's opinion. 
I'm fortunate that I don't work with many untoward people.

A second definition is "marked by trouble or unhappiness".

I know a person whose very life is currently untoward. (This is true, by the way.)

This word is strange to me. I don't think I'm down with it.

The results of the Utah football game were untoward this afternoon. 

Goodness. I didn't think those 10 minutes were ever going to end!

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