Sunday, December 2, 2018

#2141 weekend wrap-up

...and's Sunday night again. It comes so fast.

I feel a bit discombobulated tonight because I've spent a big part of the day laying on my bed, reading, napping and doing a little bit of stuff here and there. MT is painting the TV room, so all the furniture is pushed to the middle of the room and the table is piled with photos, so it doesn't feel welcoming or nice. Plus there's the paint smell and the audio book that is being played. He likes to listen to stories while he is painting. That's another reason I've been in my room most of the day.

It snowed pretty much all day. It was a wet snow, so it mostly melted when it hit the ground. Now the temperature is below freezing. Hopefully the county has sent the plow trucks out with the brine solution so it won't be too slippery in the morning. I went out three times today. First MT and I went out for breakfast. Then I napped and read. Later I went to the grocery store. It had to be done and it wasn't much fun. Then I came home and read. I finished the seven day loaner (a day late), so I wanted to take it back to the library right away. It was snowing so hard in Magna! We came back to our house and it wasn't snowing at all. We are talking about a four mile difference. So strange.

Yesterday was cloudy but dry. I went to WW (up). I hung out at Starbucks thinking about everything that happened in November and thinking about what will happen in December. I call it "me time at Starbucks" and I do it once a month. It seems like being out of the house frees my mind to wander and I think a little more clearly because I'm not hearing Osi grumble at the door of the cookie cabinet and I'm not thinking about the laundry I should be doing or the toilet I should be scrubbing. Me time.

I got a wee trim on my hair on Saturday afternoon. It seems like it is finally growing down instead of just growing out to the sides. The waves are there, and they are more manageable, not so frizzy and wonky.I didn't want Lanna to take off too much length, so there were just wisps of ends littering the floor after the trim. I won't see her again until the first weekend of March - 13 weeks. That's a long time for me. Hopefully my hair will be down to my shoulders by then. It's pretty close. I have a short neck.

The salon is pretty close to a mall, so I did it. I went to the mall on a Saturday in December. Yep. It was busy. I had a good idea of what I wanted to get and where I would get it, so I walked through the place with purpose and took care of business. I'm not good at just wandering and looking at everything, especially in December. I like to get what I need and get out of there. I still have shopping to do, but it's a good start.

Last night I went to Redbox and picked up a couple DVDs, so MT and I watched a double feature at home. First we watched Crazy Rich Asians. I'd seen it at the theater this summer and totally loved it. MT hadn't seen it. He thought it was very good. The second movie we watched was Ocean's 8. I'd been wanting to see it, so I was excited. I like the Ocean's movies. This one was fun because it was all women and the cast was good. Another thing that was fun about these two movies was that there was a actress that was in both films: Awkwafina. She was good in both movies.

So now I'm reading the other library book that is now past due. I might be able to finish it tonight. I've got just under 50 pages to go. I've got laundry going and I'm about ready to go give the toilet a scrub. I've got a busy week coming up at work because we are closing November business. After this week is done, the fun begins. Mom and Lizzie will be here in 10 days! We'll go to Savannah! The carpet will be installed while we are gone! When I come back there will be fun things at work, then it will be Christmas! December is going to rush by, I think.

Hope you all had a great weekend. Be safe out there!

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