Tuesday, December 4, 2018

#2142 family movie night: Creed II

It's $5 movie night in SLC, so the three of us decided to go see Creed II. We all liked the first Creed movie, Michael B. Jordan is great, and when it comes down to it, you can't go wrong with a sports movie.

I liked this one too. It seemed a little clunky at first, but picked up some momentum and by the end, I was all in, cringing every time D got hit and pumping my first when D's hits hurt the Russian. While I'm on the subject of the Russian, let me just say this: the dude is hot. His name is Florian Munteanu. Yes, his body is unreal, but his face is good too. I was just checking him out on IMDB, and was not surprised to find that he has done some modeling. He's a specimen.

I mean, DAMN.

Also, Michael B. Jordan.

Seriously, these are handsome men.

Mostly, though, the men are not pretty because they are grimacing and punching each other and bloody and sweaty.

Bottom line, this movie is predictable, but fun.

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