Saturday, December 8, 2018

#2144 Saturday with Sandy: Christmas shopping edition

Today MT and I decided to do our Christmas shopping. I have picked up a few things here and there, but I was ready to put a major dent in my shopping list today. We don't have too many people that we buy gifts for, so we are usually able to knock out our shopping in a day or two.

It's funny because neither of us are really into going shopping just for the sake of shopping. I mean, MT goes to Lowe's pretty much every day for his work, and I guess that is considered shopping. I go to the grocery store and Target regularly, but that's not the same as shopping for gifts, is it? The thought of going to the stores three Saturdays before Christmas was a bit unappealing, but once we got there, it was on!

We hit a few of the stores at Jordan Landing with the sole purpose and intent to buy things for other people. We had ideas of what we wanted to give, so that's what we looked for and it that's what we got. We felt good about everything we bought today and we are excited to give these gifts to our loved ones.

All that shopping worked up our appetite, so we had a late lunch at a Mexican restaurant in our neighborhood that we hadn't been to in awhile. It was good and a nice break. Then we decided to go to the outlet mall in Lehi to the Eddie Bauer and Columbia stores.

During the drive, we decided not to buy gifts for each other. We have a huge vacation in Thailand coming up in a couple of months, and that really is gift enough. We agreed that we would fill each other's stocking and set a price limit on the stocking stuffers.

When we got out to Eddie Bauer, we had a little shopping spree...for ourselves! We did buy a gift or two for other people, well MT did, but the stuff I got is all for me and I went a little crazy. But they were having a big sale, so it's okay. (That's called rationalization!) I got a sweater, a fleece pullover, a waffle-knit shirt and a pair of jeans. By the way, those pants were regularly $70 on sale for $12, so yeah, I'm good. lol  Also, we didn't buy anything at Columbia. I might have been tempted, but the check-out line was ginormous so I couldn't be bothered. My bags from Eddie Bauer were heavy and I was ready to go.

We came home and MT brought up all the Christmas decorations from the basement. We'll deal with those tomorrow. I actually hadn't got my fill of shopping, so I went over to Old Navy by myself. I kinda love that store. In my heavier days, it was rare that I found anything that could fit me there. Same with Eddie Bauer, actually. I used to have to order clothes because they didn't carry my size in the store. At WW, we call that an NSV - non-scale victory. What I like about Old Navy is that the clothes are fairly inexpensive and they are trendy, but since they are inexpensive, I don't mind if I wear them for a year and then they are out of style or looking shoddy because it's not a big deal to get rid of them.

I think tomorrow I'll take a few minutes to look at everything I've purchased for my loved ones and decide what else I want to get or if I can check a person off the shopping list. I'm pretty sure I'm done with Mom and Lizzie, but that I still want to get some things for T and of course some stocking stuffers for MT. I still want to buy something for my BFF LA, and I'll do that online so it will ship directly to her. My Secret Santa person is mostly done. I can think of one or two little things that I want to get to tide them over through the week until the big reveal luncheon on the 19th.

Speaking of Secret Santa, here's what I've received from mine: a stocking that had a bottle of Diet Coke and a bag of Lindor white chocolate peppermint truffles, a Barnes & Noble gift card (which I used today on a book for myself!) and a sweet little Norfolk pine that is on my desk at work. It was decorated with cute red ornaments and a little silver glitter. So fun! I have NO IDEA who my Secret Santa is.

Okay, that's all I've got for tonight. Have a wonderful Sunday!

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