Monday, December 10, 2018

#2145 it's almost time!

After all the waiting and thinking and planning, it's finally almost time to go to Savannah with Mom and Lizzie! I think we have our days and nights planned with fun things to do and see. We leave on Friday morning. This week is pretty packed as I prepare to leave.

Tonight I've been putting out our Christmas decorations. I may have mentioned a time or two that I have a small army of nutcrackers. T has been giving me nutcrackers for Christmas since he was four years old. Some of the older ones are looking a little raggedy, but there's no way I wouldn't put each of them out on display. I love that he gets one for me every year. I wish I'd had the presence of mind to write the year on the bottom of the nutcracker. Oh well. I love them all.

Our tree is up, the nutcrackers are out and I feel good about it.

Here's a tricky part: MT and I decided to put carpet in our bedroom, the upstairs hallway and down the stairs. Great! Fine! The installers will be here on Monday the 17th to get it all done. The kicker is that all the furniture in my room, the closet and the hallway has to be moved out of the room. In addition, MT (and T) will be moving all the furniture and pulling up the wood floor in the bedroom on Saturday and Sunday so the installers can put in the carpet on Monday. Monday night and Tuesday, my men will be moving all the furniture back into the bedroom so that when us girls get home on Tuesday night, everything will be nice and pretty. I have mixed feelings about it all. I mean, I'm happy that it will all be done when I'm gone (which was MT's idea, by the way), but I also feel bad that MT will have so much to do. 

To try to do my part, I have cleared off the top of all my dresser and put stuff away that is on top of stuff that will have to be moved out of my closet. I'll pack up all my books that are on my nightstand too. I also cleared off the bookcases in the hallway.

Mom and Lizzie will be here Wednesday night. On Thursday I have to work, then Mom and I are going to the Red Butte Garden volunteer reception. Then we leave on Friday morning. I have to pack sometime.

It will be fine. I'm excited about everything!

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