Sunday, June 9, 2024

#2902 $80 salads

June zine cover

Let me tell you a story, then we'll  have a quick recap of the week and some photos.

MT and I have gotten into the routine of going to bougie Harmon's on Saturday to get salads from their salad bar. The salad bar there is nice, with lots of options. I always get the same thing: chopped romaine lettuce, a sprinkle of couscous, edamame, sunflower seeds, a bit of bacon, goat cheese, hard boiled egg, and buffalo chicken. I dress it with Caesar dressing I have at home. I also buy a loaf of their French bread, and have a thick slice of bread with butter to go along with my salad. I had a small glass of wine yesterday, too. MT's salad has different things, but both salads come in at around $10 each. 

Since bougie Harmon's is a grocery store, we pick up a few other things there, too. Besides the French bread, we each got some dessert - Talenti gelato for him, a slice of cake from the bakery for me - some moleskin for a blister on MT's toe, jalapeno brats to grill for dinner one night, fresh-baked buns for those brats, some sliced watermelon, a couple of bottles of coconut Dr. Pepper Zero, and a couple of MT's favorite cereal. The total came in just under $80. It's a pattern. We always say we will just get salad, and maybe coffee, but we always buy other stuff and it's always around $80. Hence, the $80 salads. 

It's all good though. And it's bougie Harmons. Everything costs just a little bit extra. They have nice things, though. 


I had a lot going on last week. First of all, it was the first of the month, which means month-end close at work. Since I'd missed two days the previous week from being sick, I had quite a lot of work to do because we don't really have people to cover when others are out, at least not for me just yet. That's about to change, thankfully. Bottom line, I worked a lot of hours. 

On Tuesday, I volunteered at the first concert of the season at Red Butte Garden. The headliner was Burning Spear, an OG reggae band. Good music, nice night. 

Wednesday was my birthday. I was feeling pretty tuckered out from Monday and Tuesday, along with the lingering but dwindling cold symptoms, so we stayed home. MT grilled some burgers and it was a nice, quiet evening. I got to bed a little earlier than I had on Monday and Tuesday, so that was nice, too.

On Friday, I went to RBG to record blooms after work. Saturday, I got a haircut, and today I had my regular docent shift, then I went to the day spa to get my eyebrows tamed and my toenails painted. Actually, I had a wonderful full pedicure. The toenail polish is just the frosting. 

That covers the week that was.

Here are a few photos from the week:

Here's me on my birthday with my ginormous dirty chai from Dutch Bros, along with their first Wednesday sticker. The drink was on the house, since it was my birthday, and it was gussied up with a decorative cup and dum-dum suckers. It pleased me.

This is my front porch on Wednesday morning.  I was outside waiting for a concrete guy to come talk to us about fixing our front step, and the roses looked so wild and pretty, and the sky was blue, and the bench was rustic, and I had to take a pic.

The next photo was taken this morning at Red Butte Garden in the Rose Garden. I love the pretty bench and the roses climbing all over the wall and blooming all around. It smelled so sweet in there. I could have sat on that bench for awhile, basking in the scent and the sun. I didn't though, but I mentioned to every single person I spoke to at the Garden today to be sure to check it out. The Garden was really showing off today. 

The coming week will be fairly mellow. I will work in the office every day for the next couple of weeks as I will be training a new co-worker who will take over some of my responsibilities as we continue to hone in on the right mix of work for me. That's what it feels like, anyway. Sometime this week, probably on Wednesday, I will meet my BFF LA for dinner somewhere between SLC and Clearfield where she is spending time with her grandson while his parents are on vacation. I'll record blooms on Friday, and docent on Sunday, and that's it for my commitments outside the house. 

Have a lovely week! Be safe and have fun!

1 comment:

Kteach said...

Very cute drawing.
I'm glad you had a nice birthday.
You made me laugh about your $80 salads!!! I checked your upscale supermarket and I understand how you buy more things :)
Your front porch looks very cozy, and I'm glad to know you're fixing the front steps.
Your other garden RB is gorgeous at this time of the year.After working so much lately, it's a lovely place to go !