Saturday, April 20, 2013

#911 loving Missouri

I have learned something in the past couple of days: Missouri is a very pretty state! We flew in to Kansas City and drove to the middle of the state, to the city of Columbia. MT and I loved the rolling hills and all the trees. It is still very early spring here: the leaves haven't quite opened up on the trees, but I imagine in a few weeks, this place will be spectacular and very, very green.

Kevin and Janet are getting married at her parent's home which is just outside the tiny village of Harrisburg. The town has a population of 266, so that qualifies it as a village, doesn't it? I think the word "village" sounds much more quaint than town, so that's how I'm classifying it. Anyway, the K's property is beautiful. I can completely understand why the couple wants to get married there. Hopefully it will be a little warmer than it has been the past couple of days Yesterday we were out there for the rehearsal, and it was quite windy and the wind had a definite chill to it. No worries, though. It will be a wonderful ceremony no matter what.

It is so quiet and peaceful on the property. Their house is at the end of a long, private drive, and is tucked way back in the middle of nothing. It is quiet. Yesterday I was walking around a little, admiring the landscape  when I heard this tremendous roar coming from high up in the sky. I stayed very still and the sound sort of descended on me and the trees and turned into a big gust of wind. It was fantastic! That happened a few more times while I was out there and I felt the same exhilaration each time. So cool.

Last night we had the rehearsal/pre-wedding dinner in the town of Fayette. Fayette is also quite small, but there is a college there, so it can't be a village. Anyway, we ate a great restaurant called Emmet's.  (I'll have to post the link later. I'm not very good with the touch pad on my Chromebook.) I highly suggest that if you are in the Fayette, MO area, you get yourself over to Emmet's. MT had the beef tenderloin sandwich, and I'm quite sure he would go back and have it again today. MT is not prone to over-praising anything, but he has said more than once, including just now, "My God that was a good sandwich." That is just about the highest praise you can get from my husband.

I had the crispy pork sandwich. It was a HUGE piece of breaded pork on a (comparatively) tiny bun. It was tender and delicious. A couple of the guys in the group had the special of the night - a 1/2 pound three-meat burger. It was ground Kansas City sirloin, brisket and tenderloin. The meat was topped with mushrooms and crispy onion straws. That thing was huge. One guy told us that it was hands-down the best burger he had ever had. Everything looked delicious and we were all happy with the meal.

Last night we were all hanging out, having drinks in the lounge of the hotels and telling stories about the groom. Everyone has a good Kevin story. Quite late in the evening, one of Kevin's friends from high school arrived. Isn't that cool? I don't have any friends from high school that I communicate with. Kevin is very good about keeping up with friends. I suppose that's why he has so many.

Anyway, I also know Kevin's friend Alan. We met through my friends Brigid and Reggie. I will just tell you right now that these folks are all sort of over-achievers. Brigid is a pastry chef who was trained at the Culinary Institute of America. She made the cake for Julia Child's 90th birthday celebration. Reggie is one of the smartest people I know. She's has a PhD in something like microbiology or something science-y. She's so smart she does something involving marine technology in Missoula, Montana which is not even close to the ocean! Then there's Alan. He also has a PhD. He works at Stanford University doing something for the Department of Energy.

How did these people I drank so heavily with in college go on to be so completely amazing? Of course, when we were drinking heavily in college, they were already well on their way to becoming outstanding individuals. How could it be otherwise? They were friends with me! :)

All right, it's time for me to fix my hair and wake up my son and think about getting ready to go watch a wedding. We may also have to head over to the gigantic Bass Pro Shop store and buy some gloves and a hat to keep warm today.

1 comment:

emtes said...

I hope the wedding was great and I do hope you will post some photos from this wonderful place.
Hugs to you all from aunt Mia <3