Sunday, April 21, 2013

#912 wedding photos and a quick rant

Kevin and Janet must have had a nice long chat with Mother Nature, because the weather on their wedding day was completely gorgeous! The sky was blue, the sun was shining and there was just the perfect light breeze blowing to keep us from getting too hot.

Since we were expecting to have some wedding photos taken prior to the wedding, we arrived early. T and I settled ourselves in the sun to watch all the activity. I chatted with my sister-in-law Denise and T read a book.

I believe there are few things that are better than sitting in the sun sipping a cold beer. That's exactly what Denise and I, and most of the other guests, did while we waited for the nuptials to begin. 

There were a few photos being taken prior to the ceremony, but they weren't the formal pics. Here's the groom with his brothers:

Marty, Kevin & Kelly

Before all the guest arrived, Janet's dad let his puppy, Hank, run around. How cute is he?

Hank the Australian Shepherd.  I love him.
On Friday I wrote about how nice it was there at the ranch and how much I liked the countryside. I took some pictures, but I don't think they really do the place justice. When I looked back through the photos, the place just looked like gravel roads and bare trees. I think what I found so appealing about it was that it was so quite and peaceful there in the woods.  Anyway, here's a photo I took as I went for a tiny walk on the property.

The sign on the tree is for "Cat Crossing"
Let's get back to the wedding!

The guests had arrived, the bride was ready, the groom was ready, and it was time for the big show. T escorted his grandma to her seat, then the groomsmen and the groom came around the corner to their places. Kevin looked so handsome in his suit. He even trimmed his beard for the occasion :) Kelly, John (Janet's brother) and MT all came out wearing dark sunglasses. They looked great.

Then it was the bride's turn. Her ladies of honor all wore dark purple dresses with some type of jacket or shawl. When Janet came around the corner with her step-dad, I couldn't help but get a little teary-eyed. She looked so beautiful! Her dress was gorgeous and her hair and make-up were flawless.

I'm not much of a girly-girl, and I am not sad that I didn't go for the full-on wedding dress when I got married, but I love to see ladies in their wedding dresses. They just look so happy and radiant and in love. I watch the bride make her first steps toward the groom, then all my attention shifts to the guy. I wonder what he is thinking, probably something like, "DAMN! She looks goooooood!" and I love to watch the little smile most grooms get as their bride walks toward them. It's awesome.

The ceremony was performed by one of Kevin's Army buddies. He did a great job, (and he looked fantastic in his dress uniform).  I liked that a person from Kevin's Army days married them. It just kind of ties everything together.

The vows were lovely, and yes, I got teary again - I'm such a sap! There were some funny moments: Clint, the officiant, stumbling over a couple of words and muttering, "Whew! Big words!" Janet giggling as she tried to put the ring on Kevin's finger. It wouldn't quite go on smoothly. The bridesmaids pulling their feet up when their heels were sinking into the soft ground.

Here's a pic of the wedding party:

A light lunch was served, then everyone just chatted and watched as the bride and groom had photos taken. It was very casual and fun and I was happy to be there.

You might be wondering how I thought I looked. Well, I thought I looked ok. I wasn't underdressed or inappropriate. I thought I looked fine, in fact. I had on a pink sweater, and I think I look pretty good in pink. I was warm enough, but not too warm. My sweater had 3/4 sleeves, so the skin on my forearms also got quite pink, as did my nose - I'll show you that later.

In the meantime, here are a couple of selfies I took with MT and T:

my cute husband & me

my cute tall son & me

me and my boys
Obviously I didn't take the last photo, and I am not in front because I wanted to have a good pic of MT and T in their suits. They look wonderful! I I think they really liked the way they looked. :)

So I wore my sunglasses all day, and you can see that my hair was off my forehead and I am a very pale red-headed girl, so here's how I looked this morning:

My nose looks like the Scarecrow's from the Wizard of Oz. Just in case you've forgotten, look:


I was a great weekend, and I'm so glad that we got to go share in the joy with Kevn and Janet and the family. It was wonderful.

And now, a quick rant about Frontier Airlines:

The flight from SLC to Denver was full, so we were asked by the gate personnel if we would like to check our bags - at no charge - at the gate, and the bags would be checked through to our final destination. MT already checked his bag because it exceeded the size limit allowed for carry-ons. T and I gate-checked. When we got to Kansas City, T got his bag, but mine was still in Denver. GRR! The bag did come in on the next flight and it was delivered to me at the hotel in Kansas City. I'm glad we decided to spend the night in KC!

Today, the flight was again full. I decided to go ahead and gate-check my bag because surely I wouldn't have the same thing happen to me twice, right? Right. I got my bag and so did T, but this time, MT's bag did not make it home. It was still in Denver. A couple of things happened, I think. First of all, the bag was only checked through to Denver, not all the way to SLC. Another thing is that the bag had the wrong passenger name on it. The tag read Nathan T-.

I am not too impressed with Frontier Airlines baggage handling. How in the world did we have problems with our bags coming and going? On mine, I don't think there was anything I could have done differently. T and I gate-checked our bags at the same time by the same attendant, but for some reason, mine didn't make on the flight from Denver to KC. On MT's, we should have checked the claim ticket  we were given to make sure the luggage was checked through to the final destination and that the name was right. Now I have to wait up until the luggage is delivered to our home tonight, which should hopefully be no later than midnight.

And I am so tired! How can something as passive as traveling - sitting in a car for a couple of hours and then on airplanes for a couple of hours - be so tiring?

I think I'll go read and drink a big glass of ice water.

1 comment:

Kteach said...

Looks like you all had a great time, minus the suitcases fiasco. You all look mahvelous!!!