Friday, May 3, 2013

#918 the long week and planning a long ride

The five work-days of this week have seemed like one very long day. It's 8:30 and I nearly fell asleep sitting on my bedroom floor after eating some pizza. I'm mentally drained. I can't even imagine how my co-worker can handle working all day, then working at home at night, too.

We are in the "doing-more-with-less" mode at work. It's tiring.

Thank goodness for the weekend! I feel guilty because I know there are people from my office who will be working while I am enjoying two days of leisure. Tomorrow I'm going to get a mani/pedi and I'm very excited. The first pedicure of the year is the best, I think. We'll probably go see the new Ironman movie tomorrow night. On Sunday, if the weather is nice, I'll be back out on my bike.

Last Sunday I went out for the first ride of the year. The last ride was well before my surgery in August. It felt so good to be back on the bike! My goal was ten miles and I made it just fine. I felt like I could have gone further, but I'm glad I didn't. I was a little sore, especially in the saddle area, if you know what I mean. This week, my goal is 12 miles and I'll keep building on it. I have a big, fat goal in mind for the end of the summer: 56 miles! The trail I ride on is 28 miles round trip, approximately, and I would like to do it twice. I have made the first round easily in the past, but twice is ambitious, but do-able. I'd like to accomplish my goal by the end of September.

It's good to challenge yourself, right? I need to push myself.

Not much to add tonight. I hope you all have fun plans for the weekend. See you tomorrow!

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