Sunday, May 5, 2013

#920 my taste buds were assaulted

Today being Cinco de Mayo, MT and I felt it was imperative that we eat some Mexican food today. So after my bike ride - just over 14 miles today and feeling good! - we went to MT's favorite restaurant, La Hacienda. He likes La Hacienda the best because their chile verde sauce is actually green and you can see the green chilis in the sauce. Our favorite dish, in fact, the only dish I think MT has ever had there, are the chile verde enchiladas.

There are two cheese enchiladas in the order and they are covered with Jack cheese and the chili verde sauce along with nice, tender pieces of pork. Served with a bit of salad, rice and beans, it is divine! We were both very hungry today because we'd been saving up room in our tummies for the delicious meal. I'm pretty sure I could have eaten a third enchildada, but then I would have been way too full.

By the way, T did not come with us. He has not yet learned to appreciate Mexican food. Oh, he'll tell you how much he enjoys a quesadilla, but that's just a tortilla with cheese melted on it. He doesn't even use hot sauce. Well, I didn't learn to love Mexican food until my 20s. Hopefully it won't take him that long.

As we were paying our bill, MT noticed some suckers for sale and he decided that we should have some. The guy behind the counter smiled and told me, "You won't like these at first, but wait for it. It will get better." MT nodded and giggled and bought two suckers.

When we were out in the car, MT demanded that I eat the sucker. I was a little bit afraid of it. It didn't look right. It had a thick chili powder coating on it, even though the guy told me it was mango flavored. I licked it. Gross! MT told me I had to put the whole thing in my mouth and just hold it there. I tried that. I couldn't even keep it in my mouth for a moment. Yuck. I tried a couple more times, but it wasn't good and I couldn't do it. MT popped his sucker in and held it there for several minutes. He said the chili powder dissolves and then you get the sweetness of the mango flavor with the smoky spice of the chili. I didn't get that far and I couldn't bring myself to get to the sweetness.

I don't think there's any way that U.S. parents give that sucker to their kids. We are so used to so much sugar - everything is sweet here. Our desserts are super-sweet, we drink a lot of soda, there's sugar in just about everything we consume.  My friend was trying to stay away from sugar one time and there's sugar in the solution they put on deli turkey. Crazy!

Anyway, I did not enjoy the Mexican chili-mango sucker. I'll take a Tootsie-Pop any day, thank you very much:)

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