Monday, May 6, 2013

#921 vacation thoughts

This time last year, we were happily getting ready for our trip to Belize. This year, we are not getting ready for any kind of trip :( Since we went to Missouri in April, we can't really afford to go anywhere in June. We don't have passports anyway, since they were stolen by the scumbag-asshole who broke into our house. I am in the process of replacing our birth certificates which is the first step to replacing our passports.

Anyway...MT and I are celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary in August, and we thought about going somewhere together to celebrate the momentous occasion, but I think we'll end up going to Yellowstone Park or something. Not that I don't love Yellowstone - I do. It's just that there are no palm trees and beaches and ocean there.

I suggested that we go somewhere tropical at Thanksgiving, and we have considered that, but I think we will skip a big vacation this year in order to go on a truly sick (in the best way) vacation next year.

When we decide where to go on vacation, each of us comes up with an idea and then we surf the web and discuss and make a decision. For the past few years, T has suggested going to Italy. What he really wants to do is for us to take a month and just roam around the Italian countryside. Wouldn't that be great? Unfortunately, we have not been and are not currently in a position to take that much time off, nor do we have the money to do so.

However, Europe is always a good idea, so I think we will save the money this year to spend a couple of weeks in Italy next year.

Why Italy? I'm not sure. I think T became interested in Italy when he was playing the video game Assassin's Creed. Sounds silly, but inspiration comes in all forms, right? Plus, T is a bit of a history buff, so he's probably intrigued by that aspect of Italy.

We have plenty of time to work out the details, but we are thinking of spending a couple of days in Rome and Venice, maybe a day in Florence and a day in Naples. MT, being the vacation maximizer that he is, wants to add a cruise so we can see some other spots in Europe. T only wants to stay in Italy. Maybe we can do a river cruise in Italy and see some of the country that way.

Still, as excited as I am about the idea of going to Italy (I've never been there), I am sad to miss spending some time in the Caribbean.


emtes said...

Why don't take a cruise in the Baltic Sea after Italy? Then you can come and visit me and my family!! That would be awesome.
Italy isn't that far from Sweden ;-)
Almost neighbors.
Doesn't T want to see the land of the Vikings?
Think about it because I don't think you will ever see a more beautiful country or archipelago than we have in Sweden. But you have to come in the summer when the sun is up almost 24/7 (it actually is in the Northern parts)
You will never forget it. We don't have the wonderful beaches but we do have Gotland that much resembles a Mediterrean island more than a Swedish one. Very exotic.
Well, here you are with a lot of excellent tips on what to do :-)
Hugs to you all :-) Love you <3

RedRed said...

We'll think about it Mia!