Thursday, May 16, 2013

#931 sweet Osi has another seizure

Man, just when I was starting to relax this evening, Osi started seizing. I was in the kitchen and I just happened to look up and see her in the first stage of the seizure, so I went right over to her and gently put my hands on her sides. Usually when her legs start to seize, she topples over. Tonight I was able to give her some support so she laid down without just flopping over.

The seizure tonight was a little different than the previous ones. Her body curled up - usually she's all stretched out and her legs are moving like she's running. Tonight her legs were not straight. The worst part, for me, of tonight's seizure was her vocalizing. The sound she made was so pitiful and sad. I'm sure she was saying, "Help me!" Poor baby.

The seizure is awful, and watching her recover from the seizure is also terrible. The recovery time tonight was longer than it has been. She was completely disoriented and I wonder if she didn't lose her vision temporarily. She waked into the table leg, she bumped into the fridge, she put her head up against the cupboard door and just stood there. When I said her name, she looked toward me, but I don't think she actually saw me. Then her eyes kind of cleared and she did look at me and wagged her tail. Then her body sort of leaned over and she took a couple of sideways steps. She's dizzy. She was sitting in the kitchen, looking at me, then her front legs just started to slide out from under her until she was laying down. She seemed surprised.

Ugh. Her last seizure was on April 23. Since then I have taken her to the vet to have her blood tested to find out if the medicines she is taking have reached the appropriate therapeutic levels in her body. They are at the correct levels. The vet suggested that I change her food to a gluten free dog food, so I did. I don't even give her Milk-Bones anymore because they have wheat. I'm not sure what else to do.

She seems to have calmed down now. She is laying down quietly. I think I'll put her to bed and go on up myself. It's been a long day.

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