Friday, May 17, 2013

#932 habits

It always makes me laugh that on Friday night, I want to give up and crawl into bed by 9:30 or so, but during the week, it always seems to be 11:00 before I even want to get into bed.

New habit to make: Sunday through Thursday, lights out by 10:30. More sleep would be good for me.

But first I have to get through 21 days of drinking my eight glasses of water a day. I didn't succeed one day (I only drank seven glasses) and HabitForge made me start over! Grr.

A habit to break: eating everything in sight when I get home from work. I immediately come into the kitchen and start snacking on whatever I can find, and I can usually find a lot of bad stuff since I have a teenager and I stock junk food for him and his friends. I should find an alternative to snacking. Tonight I drank a beer instead of eating. Does that count? :)

I was pleased to talk to my dad for awhile tonight. He's the reason that I'm not already in bed. I'm glad that he called when he did because even though I'm tired, I wasn't mentally ready to go to bed so early. Now it's almost 10, and that's respectable enough.

Who am I kidding? If there was a basketball game on tonight, I'd totally be up watching it. I'm kinda sad that as the playoffs continue, fewer teams are playing. I really loved the start of the playoffs when there were 16 teams playing and there were four games almost every night. It was awesome! That's a lot of basketball. Now we are nearly down to the Eastern and Western Conference Championships, and then it will be the Finals, and then b-ball will be over. Fortunately, that's when baseball starts to get really fun and interesting!

That's all I've got for tonight. I have to get to bed before my "lives" regenerate in Candy Crush Saga. I'm completely addicted to that stupid game!

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