Saturday, May 18, 2013

#933 Star Trek Into Darkness

We had family movie night and this week's unanimous selection was the new Star Trek movie. MT is a long-time Star Trek fan. He loved the TV show and has seen all the movies. I didn't really care for the TV show and I didn't much like the movies with William Shatner but I did like the new movie that came out a few years ago with Chris Pine as Captain Kirk. I have a little bit of a crush on Chris Pine!

Here's what I know about tonight's movie: I loved it! As much as I enjoyed Ironman 3, I liked Star Trek Into Darkness even more. It was exciting and fun from start to finish. There were cool fight scenes and lots of action. J.J. Abrams was the director and the guy does good work. The movie looked great.

Spock & Kirk are great together.

The bad guy is fantastic.
Bones is my favorite. He totally nails it! "Dammit Jim! I'm a doctor, not a torpedo technician!"

And Zoe Saldana as Uhura? She's gorgeous and wonderful

When the film was over, I actually clapped my hands and looked at the boys and said, "That was pure awesomeness!" I don't know what else to tell you - I really thought it was great. I'd probably see it again and we will definitely own it when it comes to video. :)

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