Monday, May 20, 2013

#935 2010 was awesome

Sometimes I just can't think of anything to write about, but since I made the commitment to write every day this month, I should come up with something. That's where pictures come in handy! I asked T to pick a year between 2006 and 2012. He picked 2010, so I thought I'd pick a photo from the vacation we took that year and write a little something about it.

Well, it turns out that 2010 was a big year for traveling! MT and I went to Palm Island in the Grenadines in February  (my most favorite vacation!). The three of us, along with MT's parents, went to Mesa Verde, Colorado in May. In July T and I went with my parents to Mt Rushmore.

Since I couldn't pick just one pic, you're gonna see three.

Here we are at Palm Island. I mentioned that it was my favorite vacation and there are plenty of reasons why. First, it is probably one of the most beautiful beaches I have ever seen. The sand was white and soft  and that water was truly the most amazing blue. The island is a private resort, and when we were there, I think there were about 50 people total on the island. The accommodations were superb, the food was excellent, the service was outstanding. The bartender there made the best pina colada EVER and it was just simply the most relaxing, romantic and fun vacation I've had. Plus I was the thinnest I've been and I was really tan. It was all good. :)

On the way to Mesa Verde, we stopped for the night in Moab, UT and went into Arches National Park. We walked on a nice little trail to this group of arches. The sky was ominous with dark grey clouds in the background, but the sun was starting to set so the orange of the rocks took on a really beautiful tone. Here's T up in the arch. It was really windy up there, too, I remember, and we were really getting buffeted about by the stiff breeze. He looks so small! He was 12 at the time. That was a nice long weekend trip. We had a good time.

This is one of my very most favorite photos of my dad. We took the 1880 train from Keystone to Hill City. It was a fun ride and we got to see some lovely countryside. I snapped this photo of Dad while the train was in motion. I love the expression on his face and also the way he is so sharply defined against the motion outside. I'm always thankful that we took the trip to South Dakota when we did. It was a hell of a long drive, but I cherish every memory I have of that trip.

Wow! That was a fun post for me to write! I enjoyed looking through my photos and picking out these three to share with you. I hope you enjoyed it too!

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