Tuesday, May 21, 2013

#936 quick, easy and tasty

I've been working late a lot in the past few weeks, and because I'm tired when I get home and it's already late, we've been eating a lot of fast food. When I went through our finances on Sunday, I was pretty appalled by the large amount of money we've been spending on take out food. It's not like I haven't been going to the grocery store during that time; my intentions are always to cook for my family, but it just hadn't been working out. For one thing, MT goes to bed between 8:30 and 9:00, and there are times when I wouldn't have dinner ready until nearly his bedtime. Hence, take out.

So I had a talk with myself. I had two options: leave work earlier - which I totally would if I could, it's not like I love being there by myself in the evening - or get some food that would be quick and easy to prepare so even if I came in late, I could quickly put together a good meal.

Tonight I actually left work at my regularly scheduled time, but I still put together an easy and extremely delicious meal. I'll tell you about it.

I bought some pre-cooked carnitas from Costco. All you have to do with those is microwave it for four minutes and it's ready to eat. It's super-tasty, too! I heated up some small corn tortillas in the oven and made some killer guacamole. The guacamole had onions chopped really small and fine, a clove of garlic, some Pace salsa and a squeeze of lime. The avocado was perfectly ripe and beautiful.

Basically, I put together street tacos. I smeared some guacamole on the tortilla, added some of the pork, sprinkled some of those finely chopped onions on top and squeezed a little fresh lime over the whole thing. Oh man, those tacos were soooooooo good! If only I'd had a little cilantro, I would have been in heaven. As it was, the tacos were still amazing. MT and I totally wolfed them down.

T opted for a carnitas quesadilla: flour tortilla with melted cheese and pork. He liked it a lot, too.

I wish I had taken a picture of them for you, but I was too busy stuffing them into my mouth to take time to take a picture. Besides, I wouldn't want you to lick your computer screen. That's just wrong :)

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