Wednesday, May 22, 2013

#937 squat challenge update

In an earlier post, I wrote about the 30 day squat challenge that I'm doing along with some people from work. We are now half-way through the 30 days. Tonight I am doing 150 squats.

I don't know if the squats are having any impact on my rear end. I hope so, but I can't really see it, so I can't say for sure. I do see some muscle building up around my knees and that is a good thing. My left knee feels sore after the squats, but my new knee feels fine, and that makes me feel happy.

Mandy has already found our next fitness challenge that we'll take on after the squat challenge is finished. It involves abs. I've seen the challenge schedule, and it does look challenging. I think it will be good.

First though, I have to get through the next 15 or so days of this squat challenge. I'm going to go do them right now while I watch the last few minutes of the Pacers/Heat game.

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