Monday, May 27, 2013

#942 revised biking goal

You would not believe how much I slept yesterday. I slept from 10AM to 3PM, then I was up for awhile, but laying in my bed reading or playing on my beloved iPhone. I had the lights out by 9:30PM and I slept most of the night and got up around 7AM. When I say I slept most of the night, I was awakened around 11PM or so when the boys were trying to get Osi to go to her bed but she wanted to stay with me. I ended up getting up to put her in bed. I also woke up at least once to use the bathroom in the middle of the night.

Anyway, I felt a lot better today and managed to do all the things I wanted to do, including a bike ride.

I have an update to my bike goal. I wrote before that my goal was to do a 56 mile ride by the end of summer, but my calculations were incorrect. The ride is only 24 miles round trip, so my goal is 48 miles. Feel better, Mom? (My mom called me and asked if I was crazy when I talked about the 56 mile ride.)

Today I took a big step toward my goal: I rode from Center St to Farmington Station. That's 24 miles. :) I'm super tired and my bum is a bit sore, but I feel happy that I did it. My time was about one hour 40 minutes. I've done it a bit faster in the past, and I'll be looking to shave some minutes off that time. Still, you have to start somewhere and I was glad to get this first milestone done.

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