Sunday, May 26, 2013

#941 rest

Today was a total waste. :(

I had so many plans! I woke up early and thought I would get some laundry done, pay the bills, clean up a little and then go for a nice long bike ride.

Instead, I ended up going back to bed around 10AM. I couldn't keep my eyes open at all. I was completely lethargic. I thought I'd sleep for an hour - I even set my alarm - but I woke up at 3PM. Since then I haven't done much more than lay in bed and play with my beloved iPhone and read.

Now it's 8PM and I think I'll take out my contacts and just go ahead and slide between the sheets and read and listen to/watch the basketball game and rest.

It's important to listen to your body and my body's message was loud and clear: GET SOME REST.

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