Saturday, January 11, 2014

#1089 family movie night: Lone Survivor & The Internship

For our first family movie outing of the year, we picked a doozy. Lone Survivor is a movie based on the true story of a U.S. Navy SEAL team. As the title implies, there is only one survivor of the SEAL team, and the movie shows what the team endured when they were confronted by an army of Taliban soldiers in the rugged mountains of Afghanistan.

The movie was incredibly intense. This is a straight-up war movie, and war ain't pretty, friends. It is bloody and dangerous and awful and heartbreaking. I didn't even realize until I was walking out to my car how tense I was. My shoulders were sore from being all scrunched up for two hours. Not only that, but I actually cried at the end. Now it's not unusual for me to cry at a movie, but these tears were different. What those guys went through was so terrifying that my only response was tears.

Lone Survivor is certainly different from most films that I watch and enjoy. I'm not a big fan of shoot-em-up movies, and this wasn't that type of movie, even though there is a lot of shooting. It is a movie that tells about how war is being fought in our world right now. I'm glad I saw it, and once was certainly enough.

When we got home, T and I popped in a comedy to lighten our mood. We saw The Internship. It was pretty cute. I told T that he reminded me of Stuart.
There is some similarity in the looks, but totally in the attitude :) There is one scene in the movie where the intern team goes out to a "dance club" where they end up having a really good time. In the morning, Owen Wilson's character, Nick, is talking to Stuart (played by Dylan O'Brien). Nick asks Stuart if he had a good time and Stuart just kind of shrugs and says it was all right. "Just all right?" Nick asks. Stuart gets a little snarky but Nick keeps on him until Stuart admits it was the best night of his life.

That is totally T! He almost never admits to having fun at anything, even though I know there MUST be some things that he thinks are fun. I think that's one of the lessons in this film: "kids" today take everything so seriously! (And by kids, I mean pretty much anyone younger than me, not just children.)


No progress on the kitchen today. We bought some supplies and did a little clean up. I don't think he will do any work on the room until Monday.

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