Friday, February 24, 2017

#1823 six weeks post surgery

It has been six weeks since my knee surgery.  I've been going to out-patient physical therapy for about four weeks. I had a little setback the past couple of weeks. I was doing really well and getting good bending results, and then I went for a couple of walks that were probably a little too much. My knee swelled up and even though I tried, reducing the swelling was difficult, and I actually lost a bunch of bend-ability. Lovely Paul said it's a pretty common and normal occurrence (as did Dr. G). I have been working on it, and I did gain a couple of degrees in the bending yesterday (103 degrees).

I met with the surgeon this morning. I had a progress report from Lovely Paul; Dr. G (the surgeon) liked what he read and declared that I could go back to work for four hours/day for the next couple of weeks. I still have six to eight weeks of physical therapy left, and Dr. G stressed the importance of getting the bend going again, which is why I'm only part time for now.

Am I ready to go back to work? I think so. I'm glad I'm restricted to four hours a day to start. I like the idea of easing back into the work routine while maintaining my PT routine.

I'm walking around the house without a crutch. When I go out, I usually use one crutch, but it's mostly a security blanket-type thing. There is still a slight limp to my walk; I think it's because I am not fully straight or bending like I should.  When I really focus and think about it, the limp is barely noticeable.  I've had MT watch me walk and then give me comments.

What will I miss about being home? Probably reading at my leisure and watching a movie most afternoons. I had quite a pile of videos picked out and I still have a few left. I watched some movies on Netflix and HBO plus I went to see a couple of movies at the theater, too. I will also miss sleeping in until 8 AM.  I'm glad I did set an alarm and get up and moving in the morning.

That's all for today. Have a great weekend!

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