Saturday, August 10, 2013

#994 movie night at home - The Impossible

Last night T and MT went to see a movie together. They saw Elysium, a sci-fi movie that I wasn't interested in, so I stayed home. I watched a DVD - The Impossible. If that movie was two hours long, I bet I cried for 90 minutes of it.

The movie is about a family that was in Thailand during the tsunami in 2004. There was the family, enjoying their vacation at a beach-front resort when a massive wave washes everything away. The first 30 to 40 minutes of the movie was so scary to me. There was the mom, being swept away in all the water, filled with debris from trees and vehicles and when she finally finds something to hold on to, she cries because she has lost her family then she is pushed around by the water some more. So sad and so scary.

I almost couldn't watch it because it was so heartbreaking to think about all the people who did not get reunited with their families. So many people dead.

Things worked out for the family in the movie, of course, hence the name of the show. I don't think I could watch it again. I'm way too emotional about things like that. When MT and T got home from their movie, I gave them both a great big hug and kiss and told them I loved them! :)


Kteach said...

Hmm why the comment I made yesterday doesn't show?

emtes said...

Oh, I saw it too. It was so moving and really scary to think of.
Many Swedes died in the tsunami and we have some of them writing books about it, probably to heal.
The morning it happened we all were in total chock and one person at the biggest Swedish travel agency sat in TV saying to the goverment to act! She had firsthand information whilst the goverment said it wasn't that bad!! Sweden alone had 600 dead and over 1500 injured. But in total almost 300 000 people lost their lives, which is a figure hard to take in.
So the story of The Impossible is a story of bravery, of emphaty and never ever giving up.
I loved it and as you say I cried and in parts had difficult seeing it because of tears.