Monday, August 12, 2013

#995 one year and 20 years

This is a week of anniversaries.

Tomorrow will be the first anniversary of my knee surgery. My right knee (the repaired one) feels good. I definitely don't have any pain in it, which is good. The scar has faded nicely, too. It just doesn't feel natural. Maybe that will change, in time. I don't really know how to describe it to let you know what I'm talking about. It feels fine and it doesn't hurt, and that is enough.

My left knee has started hurting and it's a pain that I am very familiar with. I don't feel like I'm limping with it yet, but there are times when I can feel that grinding pain and it kind of freaks me out. When I have my one year follow up with the surgeon in a couple of weeks, I may ask him for an injection. We'll see how long that lasts.

I have been asked by several people when I will have the joint replacement surgery on the left knee. I don't know. I want to put it off as long as I can. I do not look forward to the two weeks following the surgery. Those were the worst as far a pain and discomfort.

The second anniversary that is coming this week is my 20th wedding anniversary on Thursday. 20 years!  I can't believe it. MT and I met in college in the fall of 1986, dated for a year and started living together in January of 1988. We lived together for five years before we got married in August of 1993. I know that many of our college friends are surprised that we have stayed together. It's true that we are quite different, but I think that we are strong together. There are things that he is really good at that I am not good at and vice versa. I couldn't imagine being without him.

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