Thursday, August 15, 2013

#996 Throwback Thursday: wedding memories

MT and I were married 20 years ago today in Las Vegas, NV.

MT is still this cute, but he has a lot less hair now:)

When he was looking at this picture, his comment was, "Wow! Look! I have highlights!"

I was really hungover on my wedding day. 

We were married at 9:30 on a Sunday morning.

Our anniversary is the same as MT's aunt Pat and uncle Paul. 

Aunt Pat and Uncle Paul attended our wedding.

My sister Lizzie was my maid of honor.

MT's brother Kelly was the best man.

My dress came to about mid-calf.

I wore white heels.

I dropped my dress in the parking lot the day we arrived in Las Vegas, Friday, Aug. 13.

I then stepped on the dress, leaving a black shoe print on it.

There was also a tear that I didn't see until Sunday morning when I put the dress on.

MT got a sewing kit from his grandma and sewed up the tear.

He used blue thread.

That was something blue. I don't remember the borrowed or the new.

My dad gave me away.

A guy named Bob married us.

I remember that we had a fun day with our family and friends. 

There you go...20 little tidbits about our wedding!

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